
 * @module libflitter/views/ViewEngineUnit

const path = require('path')
const Unit = require('../Unit')
const error_context = require('../errors/error_context.fn')

 * The view engine unit is responsible for registering the view engine
 * with the underlying Express installation. It also defines a function
 * for instantly creating route handlers from view names. This unit sets
 * Pug as the view engine, though that would be relatively easy to alter.
 * @extends module:libflitter/Unit~Unit
class ViewEngineUnit extends Unit {
     * Defines the services required by this unit.
     * @returns {Array<string>}
    static get services() {
        return [, 'output', 'configs', 'models']

     * Get the name of the service provided by this unit: 'views'
     * @returns {string} - 'views'
    static get name() {
        return 'views'

     * Instantiate the unit class. Resolves the fully-qualified path to the views directory.
     * @param {string} [views_dir = './app/views'] - path to the views directory
    constructor(views_dir = './app/views'){

         * The fully-qualified path to the views directory.
         * @type {string}
         */ = path.resolve(views_dir)

     * Function that modifies and returns resources passed to it.
     * @typedef {Function} ViewEngineUnit~ResourceModifier
     * @function
     * @param {*} items - either a collection of Model instances, or a single Model instance to be modified
     * @returns {*} - some modified version of the items. This is usually stored to be passed to the view.

     * A collection of resource specifications.
     * This is used by the {@link module:libflitter/views/ViewEngineUnit~ViewEngineUnit#view} method to retrieve resources and pass them to a view.
     * @typedef {Object} ViewEngineUnit~ResourceSpec
     * @property {string} model - the Flitter canonical name of the model to retrieve
     * @property {"one" | "all"} fine - if "one", only the first instance of the model matching the criteria will be retrieved. If "all", then all instances matching the criteria will be retrieved.
     * @property {Object} criteria - Find criteria to be passed to the model's find() or findOne() functions. See the Mongoose docs for more info.
     * @property {string} name - accessor name for the resource. This will become the variable name used to access the resource from w/in the view.
     * @property {module:libflitter/views/ViewEngineUnit~ViewEngineUnit~ResourceModifier} modifier - allows the modification of the resource before it is passed to the view

     * Render a view to the provided response. Passes through arguments and retrieves the specified resources for the view.
     * @param {Express/Response} response - the Express response to be served
     * @param {string} view_name - the Flitter canonical name of the view to be served
     * @param {Object} args - collection of arguments to be passed directly to the view
     * @param {module:libflitter/views/ViewEngineUnit~ViewEngineUnit~ResourceSpec[]} resource_list - array of resource specifications to be retrieved and passed to the view
     * @returns {Promise<*>}
    async view(response, view_name, args = {}, resource_list = {}){
        view_name = view_name.replace(/:/g, '/')
        let resources = {}

        for ( let find_key in resource_list ){
            try {
                const find = resource_list[find_key]
                let returns;

                if (find.find === 'one') {
                    returns = await this.models.get(find.model).findOne(find.criteria)
                } else {
                    returns = await this.models.get(find.model).find(find.criteria)

                if (find.modifier) returns = await find.modifier(returns)

                resources[] = returns
            } catch (e) {
                throw error_context(e, {
                    resource_find_key: find_key,

        args = {...args, ...resources}

        return response.render(view_name, args)

     * Sends an HTTP error and renders the error view with the corresponding status code. If the status code cannot be
     * resolved to an integer, the request status will default to 400.
     * @param {Express/Response} response - the Express response to be served
     * @param {string|int} status - HTTP or error status code
     * @param {Object} params - collection of arguments to be passed to the view. The "code" key will be overwritten with the status.
     * @returns {Promise<*>}
    async error(response, status, params){
        response.status((isNaN(parseInt(status)) ? 400 : parseInt(status)))
        if ( this.configs.get('server.environment') === "development" ){
            if ( !params.error ) {
                const error = new Error;
                error.message = params.message ? params.message : 'An unknown error occurred.'
                error.status = status ? status : 500
                params.error = error
            return response.render('errors/development', {...params, ...{code: status}})

        return response.render('errors/'+status, {...params, ...{code: status}})

     * Loads the unit.
     * Binds the view helper function to the global context and configures Express to use the Pug view engine.
     * @param {module:libflitter/app/FlitterApp~FlitterApp} app - the Flitter app
     * @param {module:libflitter/Context~Context} context - the unit's context
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    async go(app){

         * Set the underlying express view engine.
        this.output.debug('Setting Express views directory: '
        const app_config = this.configs.guarantee('app', { view_engine: 'pug' })'view engine', app_config.view_engine)'views',


     * Get the directories provided by this unit.
     * Currently, "views" mapped to {@link module:libflitter/views/ViewEngineUnit~ViewEngineUnit#directory}.
     * @returns {{views: string}}
    directories() {
        return {

     * Get the fully-qualified path to the migrations provided by this unit.
     * @returns {string}
        return path.resolve(__dirname, 'migrations')

module.exports = ViewEngineUnit