Register an onResolve callback to be added to all newly-created containers.
Register a basic instantiable class as a standard Factory with this container.
Register some factory class with the container. Should take no construction params.
Register a basic instantiable class as a standard Factory with this container, identified by a string name rather than static class.
unique name to identify the factory in the container
Register a producer function as a ClosureFactory with this container.
Get an array of factory instances in the blueprint.
Get an array of static Factory classes that need to be instantiated by the container itself.
Get an array of DependencyKey-callback pairs to register with new containers.
extollo (v. latin) - to lift up, to elevate
Extollo is a free & libre application framework in TypeScript.
Blueprint for newly-created containers.
This is used to allow global helpers like
while still supporting multiple global Container instances at once.