True if we've initialized the migrator.
Fire the AppliedMigrationEvent.
Apply a single migration.
Fire the ApplyingMigrationEvent.
Get a query builder instance.
Given a list of migration identifiers, filter out those that have been applied.
Given a list of migration identifiers, filter out those that have not been applied.
Get all registered migrations, by their string-form identifiers.
Helper method to look up the next applygroup
that should be used.
Apply pending migrations.
If identifiers are specified, only the pending migrations with those identifiers are applied. If none are specified, all pending migrations will be applied.
Rollback applied migrations.
If specified, only applied migrations with the given identifiers will be rolled back. If not specified, then the last "batch" of applied migrations will be rolled back.
Fire the RolledBackMigrationEvent.
Fire the RollingBackMigrationEvent.
Rollback a single migration.
extollo (v. latin) - to lift up, to elevate
Extollo is a free & libre application framework in TypeScript.
Migrator implementation that tracks applied migrations in a database table.
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