Get the value of the key field from the parent model.
Get the query source for the related model in this relation.
Get the value of this relation.
Limit the results of the builder to only this relation's rows.
Create a relation query that will eager-load the result of this relation for a set of models.
Get a new builder instance for this relation.
Get a collection of the results of this relation.
Resolve the result of this relation.
Get the container for this instance.
Get the value of the relation.
Returns true if the relation has been loaded.
Instantiate a new injectable using the container.
Given a set of possibly-related instances, filter out the ones that are relevant to the parent.
Create a new relation builder query for this relation instance.
Set the value of the relation.
Makes the relation "thenable" so relation methods on models can be awaited to yield the result of the relation.
extollo (v. latin) - to lift up, to elevate
Extollo is a free & libre application framework in TypeScript.
Base class for inter-model relation implementations.