The body contents that should be written to the response.
Mapping of headers that should be sent back to the client.
If this is true, then some module in the kernel has flagged the response as being interrupted and handled. Subsequent modules should NOT overwrite the response.
True if the response has been sent and closed.
Behavior subject fired right before the response content is written.
Behavior subject fired right after the response content is written.
True if the headers have been sent.
The HTTP status code that should be sent to the client.
Get the HTTPCookieJar for the client.
Add the given value as a header, appending it to an existing header if one exists.
Get or set the flag for whether the writeback should be blocked.
if this is specified, the value will be set.
Mark the response as ended and close the socket.
Get the value of the response header, if it exists.
Get the currently set response status.
Returns true if a body has been set in the response.
Returns true if the headers have been sent.
Send the response to the client, writing the headers and configured body.
Write the headers to the client.
Set the value of the response header.
Bulk set the specified headers in the response.
Set a new response status.
Write the headers and specified data to the client.
extollo (v. latin) - to lift up, to elevate
Extollo is a free & libre application framework in TypeScript.
A class representing an HTTP response to a client.