The current status of the unit.
The global application instance.
Get the universal path to the root directory of the route definitions.
Get the global Application.
Get the global Container.
This method is called to stop the unit when the application is shutting down. Here, you should do any teardown required to stop the package cleanly.
IN PARTICULAR take care to free blocking resources that could prevent the process from exiting without a kill.
Resolve a UniversalPath to a file served as an asset.
Get the method with the given name from this class, bound to this class.
Get the collection of compiled routes.
Call the make()
method on the global container.
Given an HTTPMethod and route path, return the Route instance that matches them, if one exists.
Recompile registered routes into resolved handler stacks.
Register built-in servers and routes.
Register an asset directory for the given package. This creates a static server route for the package with the configured vendor prefix.
extollo (v. latin) - to lift up, to elevate
Extollo is a free & libre application framework in TypeScript.
Application unit that loads the various route files from
and pre-compiles the route handlers.