* @module flitter-auth/middleware/ProviderRoute
const Middleware = require('libflitter/middleware/Middleware')
* Many auth routes specify the name of a particular auth provider to use.
* This middleware looks up the provider by name and injects it into the request.
* @extends module:libflitter/middleware/Middleware~Middleware
class ProviderRoute extends Middleware {
* Defines the services required by this middleware.
* @returns {Array<string>}
static get services() {
return [...super.services, 'configs', 'auth']
* Runs the middleware test. If the session is authenticated, injects
* the user's associated auth provider into 'request.auth_provider'.
* Otherwise, if there is a string in 'request.params.provider', the corresponding
* auth provider will be injected. If all else fails, the default auth provider is
* used.
* @param {express/request} req - the request
* @param {express/response} res - the response
* @param {function} next - the next function in the stack
* @param {string} [provider_name] - optionally, the base provider name
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async test(req, res, next, provider_name) {
// If a user is signed in, the provider should always be the one associated
// with their user, regardless of overrides
if ( req.is_auth ) provider_name = req.user.provider
else provider_name = req.params.provider ? req.params.provider : false
const provider = this.auth.get_provider(provider_name)
if ( !provider ) {
return res.error(404, {reason: 'An auth provider with that name could not be found.'})
req.auth_provider = provider
* Call the next function in the stack.
return next()
module.exports = ProviderRoute