
flitter-crud/CrudController~ CrudController

A controller with built-in create, read, update, delete methods that references a specific model.


new CrudController()



(static) services

Defines the services required by this controller.


create(req, res, next)

Create a new instance of the resource managed by this controller. Input taken from req.body is validated before the resource is created.

Name Type Description
req Express/Request

the Express request

res Express/Response

the Express response

next function

the error handler

delete(req, res, next)

Delete an instance of the resource managed by this controller with the ID "".

Name Type Description
req Express/Request

the Express request

res Express/Response

the Express response

next function

the error handler

form() → {module:flitter-forms/Validator~Validator}

Get the registered validator with the name of this controller's resource.

model() → {module:flitter-orm/src/model/Model~Model}

Get the registered model CLASS with the name of this controller's resource.

name() → {string|null}

Get the name of the resource managed by this controller. Should be a Flitter canonical name.



string | null

read(req, res, next)

Retrieve an instance of the resource managed by this controller with the ID "".

Name Type Description
req Express/Request

the Express request

res Express/Response

the Express response

next function

the error handler

send(res, bodyopt)

Send a JSON formatted, API-style response.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
res Express/Response

the Express response

body object <optional>

the response information. Accepts the following fields, optionally: "status", "message", and "data"

update(req, res, next)

Update an instance of the resource managed by this controller with the ID "". Any input taken from req.body is validated before updating.

Name Type Description
req Express/Request

the Express request

res Express/Response

the Express response

next function

the error handler