
 * @module flitter-forms/Messages

 * This is a function that, when provided the name of the validation criterion, the name of the field, and, if
 * applicable, the requested value of the field, will return a human readable error message. If the provided
 * validation criterion doesn't have an associated error message, the function will return an Error.
 * @param {string} criterion - name of the validation criterion
 * @param {string} field - name of the field being validated
 * @param {string} [requested_value] - value requested by the validation criterion
 * @returns {string|Error}
module.exports = exports = function(criterion, field, requested_value = "") {
     * Yes this is ugly, but it is a dictionary for converting
     * validator criteria to human-readable error messages.
    const messages = {
        // PROVIDED BY validator
        'contains'          : `${field} must contain ${requested_value}.`,
        'equals'            : `${field} must be equal to ${requested_value}.`,
        'isAfter'           : `${field} must occur after ${requested_value}.`,
        'isAlpha'           : `${field} must contain only alphabetical characters.`,
        'isAlphanumeric'    : `${field} must contain only alpha-numeric character.`,
        'isAscii'           : `${field} must contain only ASCII characters.`,
        'isBase64'          : `${field} must be Base64 encoded.`,
        'isBefore'          : `${field} must occur before ${requested_value}`,
        'isBoolean'         : `${field} must be either true or false.`,
        'isByteLength'      : `${field} must be ${requested_value} bytes.`,
        'isCreditCard'      : `${field} must be a valid credit card.`,
        'isCurrency'        : `${field} must be a valid currency amount.`,
        'isDataURI'         : `${field} must be a valid data URI.`,
        'isMagnetURI'       : `${field} must be a valid magnet URI.`,
        'isDecimal'         : `${field} must be a decimal number ${requested_value}.`,
        'isDivisibleBy'     : `${field} must be divisible by ${requested_value}.`,
        'isEmail'           : `${field} must be a valid email address.`,
        'isEmpty'           : `${field} must be empty.`,
        'isFQDN'            : `${field} must be a fully-qualified domain name.`,
        'isFloat'           : `${field} must be a floating point number ${requested_value}.`,
        'isFullWidth'       : `${field} must contain a full-width char.`,
        'isHalfWidth'       : `${field} must contain a half-width char.`,
        'isHash'            : `${field} must be hashed data.`,
        'isHexColor'        : `${field} must be a hexadecimal color code.`,
        'isHexadecimal'     : `${field} must be a hexadecimal number.`,
        'isIdentityCard'    : `${field} must be a valid identity card code.`,
        'isIP'              : `${field} must be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.`,
        'isIPRange'         : `${field} must be an IPv4 range.`,
        'isISBN'            : `${field} must be an International Standard Book Number.`,
        'isISSN'            : `${field} must be an International Standard Serial Number.`,
        'isISIN'            : `${field} must be an International Securities Identification Number.`,
        'isISO8601'         : `${field} must be an ISO 8061-formatted date (yyyy-mm-dd).`,
        'isRFC3339'         : `${field} must be an RFC 3339-formatted date (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mmssZ).`,
        'isISO31661Alpha2'  : `${field} must be a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (e.g. US).`,
        'isISO31661Alpha3'  : `${field} must be a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code (e.g. GRC).`,
        'isISRC'            : `${field} must be an International Standard Recording Code.`,
        'isIn'              : `${field} must be one of: ${requested_value}`,
        'isInt'             : `${field} must be an integer ${requested_value}.`,
        'isJSON'            : `${field} must be valid JSON.`,
        'isJWT'             : `${field} must be a JSON Web Token.`,
        'isLatLong'         : `${field} must be a latitude-longitude coordinate (e.g. lat,long).`,
        'isLength'          : `${field} must be length ${requested_value}.`,
        'isLowercase'       : `${field} must be lowercase.`,
        'isMACAddress'      : `${field} must be a MAC address.`,
        'isMD5'             : `${field} must be a MD5 hash.`,
        'isMimeType'        : `${field} must be a MIME-type.`,
        'isMobilePhone'     : `${field} must be a mobile phone number.`,
        'isMongoId'         : `${field} must be a hex-encoded MongoDB ObjectId.`,
        'isMultibyte'       : `${field} must contain at least one multibyte character.`,
        'isNumeric'         : `${field} must contain only numbers.`,
        'isPort'            : `${field} must be a valid port number (1-65535).`,
        'isPostalCode'      : `${field} must be a valid postal code (GB).`,
        'isSurrogatePair'   : `${field} must contain a surrogate pair character.`,
        'isURL'             : `${field} must be a valid URL.`,
        'isUUID'            : `${field} must be a valid UUID.`,
        'isUppercase'       : `${field} must contain only uppercase characters.`,
        'isVariableWidth'   : `${field} must contain full- or half-width characters.`,
        'isWhitelisted'     : `${field} must be in ${requested_value}`,
        'matches'           : `${field} does not match the required form (${requested_value}).`,
        'required'          : `${field} is required.`,
        'verify'            : `${field} verification does not match, or is missing.`,
     * If there isn't an error message for the provided critereon,
     * return an error instance.
    if ( !(criterion in messages) ){
        return new Error('Requested criterion message does not exist: '+criterion)
     * Otherwise, return the message.
    return messages[criterion]