Meet the Team

Jake Mitchell
My name is Jake Mitchell and at 18 years old, I have over 7 years of experience with code. I began by designing videogames and eventually landed on website development. I have experience in C#, Javascript, Python, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, and many other languages, but my favorite by far is Javascript. On this site, I wrote most of the Javascript and the fancy CSS/WebGL effects. More about me.

Garrett Mills
I am Garrett Mills, software developer, amateur systems designer, and Open-Source advocate. I have nearly 10 years of experience coding. Starting with Python, I have worked with a number of languages, including Java, PHP, Javascript, Ruby, HTML5, and Bash, among others. My favorite language is JavaScript, mostly due to its flexibility. In regards to this website, I worked on content development and page structure. More about me.
A Look Back
This project was the first time we had worked together. We had both worked on various projects in the past such as professional work for clients, a PHP authentication platform, a Javascript image uploader, and personal portfolio websites, but neither of us had worked on a team project like this. We had to quickly learn how to collaborate and coordinate our changes so that we didn't break each other's code. Luckily we both had experience with an online IDE called Cloud9 (open-source, by the way). That IDE was vital to the success of this project because it has a group chat option to discuss design decisions as we make them, as well as live editing similar to Google Docs, allowing us to work on the same document at the same time and to watch what the other is doing. That really gave us the opportunity to learn from each other and about how we function as a team. This project really opened our eyes to the way teams can divide and conquer as well as work together to finish large projects. We both have plans to work on more group projects in the near future.