Open-Source is extremely powerful because it allows developers to learn from each other. One of the best ways to learn to code is by reading code written by experienced developers. This drives powerful collaboration and innovation.

The open software model also fosters creativity. Oftentimes, the amount of programming required to achieve the functionality of just a few libraries is astronomical. Open-Source allows code to be reused by others, enabling them to focus on developing their content. To quote Intel:

Open-Source software offers a rich, reliable, and well-supported path that gives the freedom, power, and choice to build and deliver revolutionary solutions—faster, better, and at lower cost. Competitors become collaborators, technology discoveries are shared, and interoperability becomes a guiding principle. Intel

"The Open-Source community attracts very bright, very motivated developers, who although frequently unpaid, are often very disciplined. In addition, these developers are not part of corporate cultures where the best route to large salaries is to move into management, hence some Open-Source developers are amongst the most experienced in the industry. In addition all users of Open-Source products have access to the source code and debugging tools, and hence often suggest both bug fixes and enhancements as actual changes to the source code. Consequently the quality of software produced by the Open Source community sometimes exceeds that produced by purely commercial organisations." Sachtell
Open-Source software offers a rich, reliable, and well-supported path that gives the freedom, power, and choice to build and deliver revolutionary solutions—faster, better, and at lower cost.

—Intel OpenChoice


A developer writes some useful code.


The developer publishes the source to a public repository, such as GitHub.


Other developers use & modify the original code.


The code is improved and shared and the process continues.

And That's Open-Source!

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